molecule is the HOMO →LUMO transition, which may or may not be an
allowed transition. (It usually is, so the HOMO and LUMO are important in
the electronic spectra of such molecules.)
Example 15.13
Perform a Hückel approximation treatment of ethylene, CH 2 CH 2.
This treatment is much simpler than butadiene, because only two carbon
atoms are involved. It should be easy to apply Hückel’s approximations to get
the following 2 2 Hückel determinant:
Upon multiplying out the terms in the determinant, one gets
( E)^2 ^2 0
( E)^2 ^2
( E)
for the two electronic orbitals in ethylene. They are illustrated in Figure
15.19, with the lower of the two orbitals having energy
. This is the
HOMO of ethylene. The LUMO of ethylene has an energy of .The
electronic spectrum of ethylene has an absorption at about 2000 Å that has
been assigned to the transition between the HOMO and LUMO.
If we compare the answers for ethylene and for butadiene, there is a slight
difference from what we might expect. (Ethylene has the simplest electron
system, so comparisons to its energy levels are common.) If butadiene were
just two ethylenic systems, then the energies of the four electrons should be
simply 4(
) 4
4 . However, as seen above, the total energy of the
four butadiene electrons, which occupy the two lowest-energy electronic states,
is 2(
1.618) 2(
0.618) 4
4.472 , or 0.472lower in en-
ergy than expected. (Recall that itself is negative.) This lower total energy is
due to the fact that the electrons in butadiene are not confined to a single
double bond (a situation termed “localized”) but have some probability of
being found along the entire length of the conjugated system (they are
“delocalized”). This extra energy stability of the four electrons of
butadiene, 0.472, is called the delocalization energyof the electron system.
Values ofand are measured spectroscopically, and the electronic spec-
troscopy of many electron systems shows that the Hückel approximation
works fairly well. Many transitions between electronic states occur in the
visible or ultraviolet region of the spectrum. These transitions are the cause
of color in conjugated electron systems. In the Hückel approximation, all
of the molecular orbitals end up with a value of energy having the form
K, where the value for Kdepends on the system. Therefore, only the
values ofKand determine the molecule’s energy level pattern, which is
what is probed in an experimental spectrum. However, because of how it is de-
fined,has a similar value for most systems: about 75 kJ/mol. The value
15.9 Electronic Spectra of Electron Systems: Hückel Approximations 545
Figure 15.19 Hückel theory predicts the above
arrangement for the two electrons in ethylene.