Physical Chemistry , 1st ed.

(Darren Dugan) #1
of photons, all having the same wavelength (and phase, as it turns out), occurs.
Because all of these photons have the same wavelength, the collection of pho-
tons is called monochromatic(“same color”). (The individual photons usually
have the same phase and specific polarization properties, too, but we will omit
discussion of these properties. They are, however, important for various appli-
cations of lasers.) This process is shown in Figure 15.29. It is called “light am-
plification by stimulated emission of radiation,” which produced the acronym
LASER and later entered the language as laser.The very first laser was built by
the American physicist Theodore Maiman in 1960 using a ruby rod, but the
concept of stimulated emission was first demonstrated by the Columbia
University physicist Charles Townes in 1953. Using ammonia, he and his stu-
dents constructed a device that amplified microwave radiation using a similar
stimulated-emission principle (“microwave amplification ...,”leading to the
term “maser”). Realizing a similar process for visible light, Townes and Arthur
Schawlow published such ideas in 1958, and in 1964 Townes shared a Nobel
Prize with the Soviet scientists Alexander Prokhorov and Nikolai Basov, who
developed the theory of lasers independently.
A simplified diagram of a laser is shown in Figure 15.30. Although the pop-
ulation inversion is the key to producing laser action (“lasing”), the engineer-
ing of the laser is also crucial. In most cases, the active material is tubular with
each of the transverse ends of the material meeting a mirror. These two mir-
rors are important because they make the photons travel back and forth
through the laser medium, thereby increasing the chances that they will induce
stimulated emission. Even if one of the mirrors reflects 100% of the photons
and the other reflects only 95–99% of the light (the leftover 1–5% is transmit-
ted), the transmitted light makes a monochromatic beam of very high inten-
sity. This emitted laser beamis a rich source of photons of a particular energy.
A more complete discussion of lasers is beyond our scope. On the other
hand, it is worth discussing a few points using specific lasers as examples. The
very first laser was built around a ruby rod (Figure 15.31). Ruby is crystalline
sapphire, aluminum oxide, Al 2 O 3 , that has been doped with a few hundredths
of a percent of Cr^3 ions. A partial electronic energy diagram of Cr^3 is given
in Figure 15.32. The ground state of Cr^3 is^4 A 2. Pulses of visible light are used
to excite electrons into either an excited^4 T 2 or^4 T 1 state. (These term symbols
are actually irreducible representations combined with multiplicities.) Within
10 7 s, there is a nonradiative transitioninto an E electronic excited state. Since
this transition occurs very quickly, a population inversion is established in

554 CHAPTER 15 Introduction to Electronic Spectroscopy and Structure

Laser medium

Many monochromatic,
in-phase photons:
a laser beam


Figure 15.29 When a population inversion is
established, stimulated emissions can build until
the number of photons is extremely high, yield-
ing a very bright light. This is called light ampli-
fication by stimulated emission of radiation, or

Laser beam

Excitation source
(electric discharge,
flash lamp, other)

Glass tube filled with
gaseous laser medium, or
solid rod of laser medium


95– 99%


Figure 15.30 Simple diagram of a laser. Photons bounce back and forth inside the lasing
medium, reflected off mirrors on each end, stimulating the production of photons of the same
wavelength and phase. One of the mirrors lets some of the photons out.
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