15.7 & 15.8 Franck-Condon Principle and
Polyatomic Molecules
15.24.Figure 15.36 shows two vibronic levels of a molecule.
Indicate which sets of energy levels should have the largest
Franck-Condon overlap integral. Explain your answer.
15.25.Indicate, on the basis of general principles, whether or
not the following polyatomic ions are colored. (a)Nitrate,
NO 3 (b)Permanganate, MnO 4 (c)Ammonium, NH 4
(d)Dichromate, Cr 2 O 72 (e)Peroxide, O 22 (f)Acetylide,
C 22
15.26.For an electronic spectrum that has both vibrational
androtational structure (a rovibronic spectrum), suggest a
form for the complete transition moment.
15.27.Determine the symmetry labels of the allowed excited
states of H 2 O if the ground electronic state has a symmetry la-
bel of^1 A 1. (H 2 O has C2vsymmetry.)
15.9 & 15.10 Hückel Approximations
and Aromaticity
15.28.Justify in words why S 11 S 22 S 33 S 44 in the
Hückel approximation of the orbitals of butadiene.
15.29.What would change in the Hückel approximation of
ethylene if deuterium atoms were substituted for the hydro-
gen atoms in the molecule? Explain your reasoning.
15.30.Construct the Hückel determinants for cyclobutadiene
and cyclopentadiene. In what ways are they alike? In what
ways are they different?
15.31.Explain why cyclopentadiene easily accepts an elec-
tron to become cyclopentadienide (C 5 H 5 , which is abbrevi-
ated Cp in organic or organometallic chemistry).
15.32.Consider the following molecule:
Why can its stability be attributed to an internal charge sepa-
ration with a charge in the seven-membered ring and
a charge in the five-membered ring?
15.33.Within each of the following groups, predict which cy-
clopolyenes will be aromatic: (a)neutral, (b)single negative
charge, and (c)double negative charge.
15.34.Do the same as in exercise 15.33, but for cyclopoly-
enes with (a)a single positive charge and (b)double positive
15.11 & 15.12 Fluorescence, Phosphorescence,
and Lasers
15.35.Why can a population inversion notbe achieved by
simply heating a potentially laser-active material?
15.36.Suggest why phosphorescence spectra are sometimes
better for identifying useful electronic transitions for possible
laser transitions than are fluorescence spectra.
15.37.Would the light from fireflies be considered an exam-
ple of a fluorescence or a phosphorescence process?
15.38.Why is it not possible to obtain blue fluorescence from
a transition that initially absorbs red light?
15.39.CO 2 lasers are among the most powerful cw lasers
available; their most commonly emitted wavelength is 10.6
m. How many 10.6-m photons are generated each second
from a CO 2 laser that emits 300,000 J per second? (That makes
it a 300-kilowatt laser.)
15.40.How many 632.8-nm photons must a He-Ne laser
emit per second to achieve a power of 1 J/s?
15.41.Many high-power lasers emit only a little bit of energy
but in an extremely short pulse. What is the power of a laser
that emits a 300-millijoule pulse in 2.50 nanoseconds?
15.42.Explain why X-ray lasers would be extremely difficult
to build.
Exercises for Chapter 15 559
Internuclear separation
Potential energy
Figure 15.36 Two vibronic levels of a molecule.