Physical Chemistry , 1st ed.

(Darren Dugan) #1
transition to ML1, except it will have the opposite sign. Therefore (and
without the need to do any additional math),
Emag[ML 1]  0.9338 cm^1
The transition will turn into a triplet of equally spaced lines. Thus, the
Zeeman spectrum of this transition will resemble Figure 16.6.

The fact that a single line turns into a trio of lines in the above example is
characteristic of a^1 S →^1 P transition. Therefore, the normal Zeeman effect gives
spectroscopists clues about the term symbols of the states involved in atomic
spectra. Each combination of term symbols has, for S0, a certain number of
allowed transitions that is characteristic of the transition, thanks to quantum
numbers. This information is useful for identifying the quantum numbers of
ground and excited states, which is a crucial part of the understanding of atomic
and molecular structure in the quantum-mechanical formalism.
In cases where S0, we do not have a singlet state, and the total angular
momentum quantum number Jmust be considered. (In the previous case,
JL.) In this case, magnetic effects on an electronic spectrum are determined
not only by the orbital angular momentum but by the spin angular momen-
tum as well. The spin of an electron also induces a magnetic dipole, whose
value is similar to equation 16.7, but because spin angular momentum is non-
classical, there is another term in the expression. The spin magnetic dipole m
has a magnitude m(not to be confused with the quantum number for the
zcomponent of orbital angular momentum of


BS (16.10)

where geis a pure number (that is, no units) called the electron g factorand
equals 2.002319304 ...for a free electron.It is slightly different for bound elec-
trons, but not enough for concern at this point. It is almost equal to exactly 2
(and is sometimes approximated as 2), and the reasons it is not exactly 2 are
perhaps worth researching on your own. Regardless, the gfactor is a necessary
addition in order to explain the effects of electron spin and its magnetic dipole.
For nonsinglet states,allof the good quantum numbers—J,S,L, and MJ—
affect the change in energy of the electronic energy levels. However, because
the pattern of the changes is more complicated, the effect of a magnetic field
on nonsinglet electronic states is called the anomalous Zeeman effect.The
change in the electronic energy levels due to the imposition of a magnetic field
of strength Bis given by
EmaggJBMJB (16.11)
where gJis called the Landé g factor.It depends on J,L, and Sand is related to
geby the expression

gJ (^1) (ge1) (16.12)
To a very, very good approximation,ge 1 1, so equation 16.12 is some-
times written as
gJ (^1) J(J^ 1)^ S(S^ 1) L(L^ 1) (16.13)
2 J(J 1)

J(J 1) S(S 1) L(L 1)

2 J(J 1)

566 CHAPTER 16 Introduction to Magnetic Spectroscopy

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