Physical Chemistry , 1st ed.

(Darren Dugan) #1
particles most popular in our treatment of quantum mechanics: the electrons.
However, atoms also have nuclei, which have many of the same properties that
electrons have. In particular, many nuclei also have a total spin and a magnetic
Although we recognize that nuclei are composed of individual nuclear par-
ticles (protons and neutrons), from our perspective it is simplest to think of a
nucleus as a single particle that has properties determined by all of the nuclear
particles together. A nucleus therefore has a certain total charge, which is typ-
ically denoted Z. A nucleus also has a total spin angular momentum, which in
the previous section was denoted I. The total spin angular momentum (“spin”)
of a nucleus is determined by the number and pairing of the individual nu-
clear particles (whose angular momenta interact using rules similar to those
that govern electrons, but they are not the same and will not be considered
here). For example, the hydrogen nucleus, a single proton, has a nuclear spin I
of^12 . A deuterium nucleus has a nuclear spin of 1, and a tritium nucleus has a
spin of^12 .^12 C has a nuclear spin of 0, and^13 C has a nuclear spin of^12 .The
metastable isotope^134 Cs, which is radioactive and has a half-life of 2.90 hours,
has an Iof 8, the largest of any atomic nucleus.
Nuclear spins behave like electron spins in that there is a quantized value
for the total spin, and a quantized value for the zcomponent of the total spin,
symbolized by MI. (We used this idea in the previous section.) For our pur-
poses, it is important to recognize that, just like one or more electrons in an
atom, a nucleus having a nonzero spin has a magnetic dipole associated with
it. A nuclear magnetic dipolecan be defined, similarly to the electron’s magnetic
dipole. Starting with the smallest nucleus, that of the hydrogen atom, we have
the nuclear magnetic dipole of the proton, which is given as

2 m


Ip (16.18)

which, when multiplied by / , becomes analogous to equation 16.10 for
electrons. Here,Ipis the total spin angular momentum of the proton, which
follows the normal quantum-mechanical rules for total angular momentum:
I^2 pI(I 1)
2 , so IpI(I 1 ). Equation 16.18 also allows us to define
an analogous magneton called the nuclear magnetonN:




where eis the charge on the proton ( 1.602  10 ^19 C) and mpis the mass
of the proton (1.673  10 ^27 kg). This nuclear magneton has a value of about
5.051  10 ^27 J/T and is used to determine energy changes for all nuclei, not
just the proton. The gpin equation 16.18 is the gfactor for the proton, and (for
reasons we won’t go into) has a value of 5.586. Other nuclei have their own
characteristic values for gN. The nuclear magnetic moment of a single proton
is about 2.443  10 ^26 J/T.

Example 16.9
Compare the relative magnitudes of the electron’s magnetic moment and the
proton’s magnetic moment. Why are they different?

The magnetic moment of the hydrogen atom nucleus, a proton, is 2.443 
10 ^26 J/T. The electronic magnetic moment is found by using equation 16.10:

572 CHAPTER 16 Introduction to Magnetic Spectroscopy

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