Physical Chemistry , 1st ed.

(Darren Dugan) #1
Equation 2.30 means we can substitute Cpin the previous equation, so we get
and integrate to get the total change in enthalpy for the temperature change:


CpdTqp (2.31)

where again we use the fact that Hequals qfor a change that occurs under
constant pressure. Equation 2.31 must be used if the heat capacity varies with
temperature (see Example 2.10). IfCpis constant over the temperature range,
then equation 2.31 can be simplified to
HCpTqp (2.32)
The comments regarding units on CValso apply to Cp (that is, you should keep
track of whether a specific amount, in units of grams or moles, is specified or
if it is actually part of the calculation). We can also define a molar heat capac-
ity Cpfor a process that occurs under constant pressure conditions.
Do not confuse the heat capacity at constant volume for heat capacity at
constant pressure. For a gaseous system, they can be very different. For solids
and liquids, they are not so different, but for solids and liquids the heat capacity
can also vary with temperature. For a change in a gaseous system, you must
know whether the change is a constant pressure change (called an isobaric
change) or a constant volume change (called an isochoricchange) in order to
determine which heat capacity is the correct one for the calculation of heat,
U,H, or both.
Finally, it can also be shown that for an ideal gas,




 0 (2.33)

That is, the change in the enthalpy at constant temperature is also exactly zero.
This is analogous to the situation for U.

2.7 Joule-Thomson Coefficients

Although we have been working with a lot of equations, all of them are ulti-
mately based on two ideas: equations of state and the first law of thermody-
namics. These ideas are ultimately based on the definition of total energy and
various manipulations of that definition. In addition, we have seen several
cases in which the equations of thermodynamics are simplified by the specifi-
cation of certain conditions: adiabatic, free expansion, isobaric, and isochoric
conditions are all restrictions on a process that simplify the mathematics of
thermodynamics. Are there other useful restrictions?
Another useful restriction based on the first law of thermodynamics is de-
scribed by the Joule-Thomson experiment, illustrated in Figure 2.10. An adia-
batic system is set up and filled with a gas on one side of a porous barrier. This
gas has some temperature T 1 , a fixed pressure p 1 , and an initial volume V 1 .A
piston pushes on the gas and forces all of it through the porous barrier, so the
final volume on this side of the barrier is zero. On the other side of the bar-
rier, a second piston moves out as the gas diffuses to the other side, where it
will have a temperature T 2 , a fixed pressure p 2 , and a volume V 2. Initially, the
volume on the right side of the barrier is zero. Since the gas is being forced
through a barrier, it is understood that p 1
p 2. Even though the pressures on

42 CHAPTER 2 The First Law of Thermodynamics

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