Physical Chemistry , 1st ed.

(Darren Dugan) #1
Further, we approximated qqtrans, and were able to determine an expression
for qin terms of various quantities, including the masses of the atoms and sev-
eral universal constants. From that q, we were able to derive expressions for E,
S, and related state functions and show that the statistical thermodynamic val-
ues for these state functions were very close to experiment (for S) or agreed
with the values predicted by other theories (like E^32 kTfor a monatomic gas
as predicted by kinetic theory, which we will consider in a later chapter).
Does this imply that qtransis the overwhelming contribution to the overall
qand that all other partition functions make negligible contributions? No, not
for all gaseous species. This assumption worked well with monatomic gases
that have all-electron-paired singlet electronic states, and have no vibrations or
rotations (they are, after all, simply atoms). Vibrational and rotational parti-
tion functions don’t exist for atomic species, and since most of the gases of in-
terest have filled orbitals, no electronic states contribute substantially to the
partition function (an issue we will consider in more detail later), and our ap-
proximation ofq qtransis a very good one.
What about qnuc? What is the contribution of nuclear energy levels to the
overall partition function?
From the definition of partition function,qnucis defined as



giei/kT (18.2)
nuclear level

where the summation explicitly states that it is taken over the possible nuclear
energy levels. Nuclear energy levels are dictated by the arrangement(s) of pro-
tons and neutrons in the nucleus. Nuclear energy levels are on the order of
millions of electron volts, or 10^11 joules, per mole! The very idea of nuclear
energy, and its immense magnitude with respect to chemical energies, sug-
gests that the spacing of nuclear energy levels is very large, so large that if the
first nuclear energy level were arbitrarily set to an energy of zero, equation 18.2

qnucg 1 


giei/kT (18.3)
nuclear level

Note that in equation 18.3, the exponential in the first term is equal to 1, and
the summation in equation 18.3 now starts at the secondnuclear energy level.
But if even the second nuclear energy level (that is, the first “nuclear excited
state”) is so high in energy, the negative exponential in even the first term of
the summation is very, very small; successive terms are even smaller. We sug-
gest that the i2 term, and all higher terms, are so negligible that they can
be ignored. The nuclear partition function is therefore
qnucg 1 (18.4)
That is, the (effective) nuclear partition function is the degeneracy of the
ground state of the nucleus.
For chemical purposes, the nuclear partition function is ignored. This is for
several reasons. First of all, a degeneracy is likely to be some small whole num-
ber. Although this has the overall effect of multiplying the overall qby that
whole number, it does not really affect the determination of thermodynamic
properties. For one thing, many thermodynamic properties are related to how
qchanges with temperature or pressure. Because changes in nuclear energy

618 CHAPTER 18 More Statistical Thermodynamics

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