Physical Chemistry , 1st ed.

(Darren Dugan) #1
difference between the dissociation limit and the very bottom of the electronic
potential well is labeled De. However, in reality a molecule will also be in its
(presumably) lowest vibrational energy state, which has some nonzero mini-
mum energy. That zero-point energy is ^12 h ,where is the classical vibrational
frequency of the diatomic molecule. The difference between the dissociation
limit and the ground-vibrational state of the electronic potential energy well is
labeled D 0. Thus, the relationship between Deand D 0 is
DeD 0 ^12 h (18.7)
We will be using the De-defined value for the dissociation energy. However,
many tables list D 0 , so it is important to keep track of which value is being re-
ported. Equation 18.7 can be used to go from one definition to the other. Both
values for dissociation energy are typically given as positive numbers, with D 0
having the slightly smaller magnitude. Values are also usually given in terms of
kilojoules per mole of molecules. Remember that in partition functions, val-
ues for individual moleculesmust be used.
For qelectof diatomic molecules, the benchmark for electronic energy is the
dissociation limit. This means that the dissociation limit is arbitrarily assigned
a value of zero energy. At the minimum of the potential energy surface, the
electronic energy of the molecule is therefore De. (It is negative because it is
going lowerin energy. Also, in this case Deis the energy needed for one mole-
cule,not one mole of molecules.) Using the explicit definition ofq, we have
qelectg 1 eDe/kT g 2 e^2 /kT g 3 e^3 /kT 
Because Deis typically large and is a positiveexponential, the first term in the
equation above typically dominates, and we can approximate the diatomic
molecule’s electronic partition function as
qelectg 1 eDe/kT (18.8)
However, if there are low-lying excited states, the explicit summation definition
for qelectmust be evaluated, keeping in mind that the zero point for electronic
energy is the dissociation limit of the molecule in its ground electronic state.

Example 18.3
The hydrogen molecule has a D 0 of 432 kJ/mol and a vibrational frequency
of 1.295
1014 s^1. Calculate H 2 ’s electronic partition function at 298 K.
Assume that the ground electronic state is singly degenerate. Hydrogen’s first
excited electronic state lies 1.822
10 ^19 J above the ground state and has
a degeneracy of 1.

Because we are given D 0 , we will have to calculate De. Using equation 18.7,
we have













10 ^34 Js)(1.295
1014 s^1 )

In the first term, we have converted D 0 into number of joules per molecule.
10 ^19 J

1 mol
1023 molecules

622 CHAPTER 18 More Statistical Thermodynamics

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