Physical Chemistry , 1st ed.

(Darren Dugan) #1
this plot should point out is that there is no single useful definition of an
“average speed” of gas particles, and care should be taken to specify exactly
which one is used in any situation.

19.4 Collisions of Gas Particles

One of the statements that define the kinetic theory of gases is that the gas par-
ticles are constantly colliding with each other, and during the course of these
collisions, the overall energy is conserved. The kinetic theory of gases allows us
to understand some of the characteristics of these collisions. In order to un-
derstand these characteristics, we need to define some parameters of the gas
particles themselves.
For a pure gas, we will assume a hard-sphere model.In this model, each gas
particle is treated as a spherical particle having a specific radius within which
no other gas particle can penetrate. (The best analogy might be to think of gas
particles as croquet or billiard balls.) This is illustrated in Figure 19.6. Each gas
particle has a radius labeled r, and because each particle is rigid, the nearest
that the centers of two particles can approach is twice the radius, or the diam-
eter d. (This is labeled in Figure 19.6.) Because the particles are hard spheres,
the presumption is that no two particles can ever get their two centers closer
than 2rdto each other. One way of writing this is by defining a potential
energy Vbetween any two gas particles:
V 0 if distance between centers is greater than 2r(that is, no inter-
action occurs)
V if distance between centers is less than 2r(not physically possible)
In terms of interparticle collisions, we would like to be able to know three
things: the number of collisions any one particle experiences in a given time,
the average distance between such collisions, and the net rate of travel of any
gas particle through space. The first and second quantities are useful to people
studying gas-phase chemical reactions (occurring, for example, in the atmo-
sphere or in space or at high temperatures), and the last quantity is useful for
understanding the concepts of diffusion and effusion of gas particles.

666 CHAPTER 19 The Kinetic Theory of Gases


Velocity, m/s


Relative probability

vmost prob




500 1000



Figure 19.5 In the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution for argon gas at 500 K, the marks show
vrms,vmost prob, and v, showing how they are numerically different.




Figure 19.6 In the hard-sphere model of gas
particles, each particle is defined as having an im-
penetrable radius r. Two times r, or the diameter
d, is a parameter that will be used in understand-
ing the behavior of gas particles.

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