Physical Chemistry , 1st ed.

(Darren Dugan) #1
a, b.To determine the crystal structure we construct the following table:

d(from Bragg’s law; Å) 1/d^2 (Å^2 )
13.7 3.25 0.0947
15.9 2.81 0.127
22.8 1.99 0.253
27.0 1.70 0.346
28.3 1.63 0.376
33.2 1.41 0.503
36.6 1.29 0.601
37.8 1.26 0.630

Taking the ratio of the first two reciprocals:











which is close enough to 0.75: the crystal is face-centered cubic.
c.To determine the unit cell dimension, we can use equation 21.10:

(h^2 k^2 ^2 ) 


Table 21.3 indicates that the first diffraction, occurring at 13.7°, must have
the Miller indices (111). We therefore substitute, using the corresponding d
spacing from the table above:

(1^2  12  12 ) 



Solving for the unit cell dimension:
a5.63 Å
As it turns out, this is the unit cell parameter for sodium chloride, which has
a face-centered cubic unit cell. This kind of procedure is applicable to any
cubic crystal.

For other types of unit cells, the pattern of X-ray diffractions depends on
the exact (nonperpendicular) angles that the unit cell’s sides make with each
other. A general discussion that is applicable to all such crystals is impossible
because of this. However, there is still a relationship between the dspacings of
the atomic planes and the Miller indices; it is just not as simple as for cubic
cells. The equation relating the dspacing with Miller indices, unit cell dimen-
sions, and unit cell angles is complex and will not be considered here.
Details of experimental X-ray crystallography can be obtained from texts on
analytical chemistry or experimental physical chemistry.
Finally, we need to consider the fact that in an X-ray diffraction pattern, not
all diffractions have the same intensity. (See Figure 21.23 as an example.) This
might be considered unusual: the X rays going in have a given intensity; why
is it that the X rays coming out have different intensities?
The answer lies in part with the atoms that are contributing to the individ-
ual diffractions. Not all atoms scatter X rays with the same efficiency. The abil-
ity of an atom to scatter X rays is directly related to the electron density of the
atom. (It is this very concept that makes X rays useful for medical purposes: tis-
sues composed of heavier materials, like bone, scatter X rays more than other

750 CHAPTER 21 The Solid State: Crystals

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