Physical Chemistry , 1st ed.

(Darren Dugan) #1
ions, an “effective ionic radius” can be estimated from crystallography or energy
For ionic compounds that have a 11 stoichiometric ratio of cation to an-
ion (like NaCl, CsCl, or MgO), the relative sizes of the ions determine whether
the compound will have one of three possible unit cells. We use a label to de-
fine each type of unit cell. The following table summarizes this experimentally
determined generality, in which the ratio in column 1 determines columns 2
and 3:

Radius ratio Unit cell Label
Greater than 0.73 Simple cubic Cesium chloride structure
Between 0.73 and 0.41 Face-centered cubic Sodium chloride structure
Less than 0.41 Face-centered cubic Zincblende structure

Figure 21.28 shows typical unit cells for these 11 ionic crystals. The names
of the unit cells are taken from common compounds that typify the general
unit cell structure. “Zincblende” is a common name for zinc sulfide, ZnS,
which typifies the unit cell structure.
What’s the difference between the sodium chloride and zincblende struc-
ture? They are both face-centered cubic structures, and they both have 1 1
ratios of ions in the ionic formula. But, as seen in Figure 21.28, the relative
positions of the ions in the unit cell are different. In the sodium chloride
structure, the ions not defining the unit cell (that is, not at the corners or in
the faces) surround the unit cell–defining ions in the x,y, and zdimensions. If
you were to extend the unit cell in any direction, you would find that each ion
has six oppositely charged ions at equal distances from it. One way of stating
this is that in the sodium chloride structure, each ion has a coordination
numberof 6.
However, in the zincblende structure, these other ions are in the body of the
unit cell, and are not on axes that are perpendicular to each other. Although it
might be harder to see, by extending the unit cell in any direction you can show
that every ion has fouroppositely charged ions the same distance away, mak-
ing the shape of a tetrahedron about the original ion. In this case, the ions have
a coordination number of 4.
In either case, it is easy to show that the ratio of ions in the unit cell is 11.
The two possible face-centered unit cells are consistent with a 11 ion ratio in
the formula for the compound. The particular structure, however, depends on
the relative sizes of the ions.
For ionic compounds that have a 12 or 21 ratio of cation to anion (like
CaF 2 or K 2 O), there are two common unit cell arrangements. Again, one can
usually predict which arrangement a crystal has by considering the relative
sizes of cation and anion. If the ratio rsmaller/rlargeris greater than about 0.73,
the unit cell is labeled the fluorite structureafter CaF 2 (common name fluo-
rite), which is shown in Figure 21.29a. If the ratio is less than 0.73, then the
rutile structure,Figure 21.29b, is preferred. Rutile is a common name for TiO 2 ,
which typifies the structure. Fluorite unit cells are face-centered cubic, whereas
rutile is tetragonal (all 90° angles, but one unequal unit cell length).
One final note is that these predictions are generalities and do not hold for
all crystals! The only certain way to know the crystal structure of a solid is from
experiment. Example 21.10 illustrates some of the differences between predic-
tion and reality.


754 CHAPTER 21 The Solid State: Crystals







Figure 21.28 Typical unit cells for the cesium
chloride, sodium chloride, and zincblende types
of crystals.

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