Physical Chemistry , 1st ed.

(Darren Dugan) #1
From first law considerations, as mentioned earlier,
dU 0
for this system. But when we separate the system into subsystems, each of
which has its own internal energy, we can include the surface energy. We have
dUdUIdUIIdU  0 (22.9)
Note something very interesting about this equation. It requires that the total
internal energy,dU, be zero; it does not require that dUfor either region, or
for the interface, be unchanging. By defining a natural variable expression for
each region and using the dU value for the interface (equation 22.8), we can
rewrite equation 22.9 as
We will leave out the explicit multiplication signs in the next few equations. To
simplify the above expression, we note that the temperatures of each region
must be equal (that is,TIequals TII), and that any infinitesimal entropy change
by one region ought to be balanced by an equal and opposite infinitesimal en-
tropy change by the other region. (This is the same thing as saying that dS
0 for the entire system under these conditions.) Mathematically, then, the T dS
terms cancel. What is left, after rearranging, is
dApIdVIpIIdVII 0 (22.10)
Notice that we are notassuming that the pressures in each region are the same!
This is a key point. We will note, however, that if the volume of region I
changes, then the volume of region II must change by the same amount but in
the opposite direction. That is, as one region grows, the other gets smaller, and
by equal magnitudes (and vice versa, but always by equal magnitudes). The
mathematical way of expressing this is
dVIdVII (22.11)
Since we are interested in region I (the liquid), we will substitute for dVIIto
eliminate it. Equation 22.10 becomes
and, after rearranging terms,
dA(pIIpI)dVI 0 (22.12)
In equation 22.12, we have factored out the dVIvariable from two of the terms.
Equation 22.12 is interesting because we have not presumed that the pressures
in the two regions are equal, and in doing so have derived an equation that re-
lates their difference with the surface tension! We can algebraically rearrange
equation 22.12 to get
(pIpII) dVIdA
(Notice how the two pressures have switched their relative orders, because of
the algebra.) We can combine the two differentials to get





which relates the pressure difference on either side of an interface with the sur-
face tension and how the area of the liquid changes with volume. Equation

772 CHAPTER 22 Surfaces

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