Physical Chemistry , 1st ed.

(Darren Dugan) #1



acceleration, 653
action, 262
activated-complex theory, 719–725
activation energy, 702–703, 723–724
activity, in chemical equilibrium, 129–132
activity coefficient, 131, 226, 231–233
adenosine triphosphate reaction, thermodynamics, 61–62
adiabatic systems
description, 33, 41, 48–49
entropy, 75, 77
Joule-Thomson coefficients, 42–46, 103–104
adsorption, 783–787
allotrope, 143
alloys, 188, 191
aluminum, Grotrian diagram, 534
amalgams, 188
amino acids, equilibria, 135–136
ammonia, vibrational modes, 498
amorphous solids, 732
angular momentum
central force problem, 352–358, 365
description, 333–334, 338
electronic spectra, 521–525, 534–539
magnetic spectra, 565–566, 569
orbital momentum, 373, 522–525, 535
quantum number, 357, 521–525
rotational spectroscopy, 470
spin angular momentum, 371–372, 522–525, 572
term symbols, 526–534
three-dimensional rotation, 342, 347–351
angular nodes, 362
anharmonicity constant, 491, 493–494
annealing, 780
anode, 215
antibonding orbital, 409–411
anti-Stokes lines, 512
aromaticity, 546–548

Arrhenius, Svante, 234, 702
Arrhenius equation, 703–705, 722–723
associated Laguerre polynomials, 354
atmospheric pressure, units of measure, 3
atomic spectra,see alsospectroscopy
classical mechanics, 248–251
atomic structure, classical mechanics, 251–253
atomic theory,seequantum mechanics
description, 774
energy, 623
atoms,see also specific atoms; specific principles
Aufbau principle, 382–386
LCAO-MO theory, 405–409
linear variation theory, 398–402
overview, 370, 413
Pauli exclusion principle, 377–382, 413, 532, 537, 630–631
perturbation theory, 386–394, 402–403
spin, 371–374
spin orbitals, 377–382
variation theory, 394–397, 402–403
attraction, charged particles, 207–209, 404
Aufbau principle, 382–386
average values, 293–296, 329
Avogadro’s law equation, 6
Avogadro’s number, 80, 210, 609
description, 180–181
in solid/solid solutions, 191

Balmer, Johann, J., 250
bar,see alsopressure
isobaric change, 42
units of measure, 3
Baron Kelvin, 7
Basov, Nikolai, 554
batteries, 215
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