Physical Chemistry , 1st ed.

(Darren Dugan) #1

Becquerel, Antoine-Henri, 253
Belousov, Boris, 718
Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction, 718–719
bending force constants, 496
aromaticity, 547
electronic spectroscopy, 546–548
Hückel approximation, 546–547
symmetric top, 467–468
vibrational modes, 483, 499
benzonitrile, Stark effect, 478
Berzelius, Jöns J., 783
binary systems,seemulticomponent systems
biochemical reactions
electric potential, 218
enzyme-catalyzed reactions, 713–714
thermodynamics, 60–62, 85
classical mechanics, 254–257
quantum mechanics, 257–262
Blodgett, Katherine, 777
Bohr, Niels H., 262
Bohr frequency condition, 462
Bohr magneton, 564, 568
Bohr radius, 264, 361
Bohr theory of the hydrogen atom, 262–267
boiling point elevation, 194, 196
Clapeyron equation, 151
description, 51–53, 143
heat of vaporization, 51–53, 146
normal boiling point, 144
Boltzmann, Ludwig, 79–80, 586, 601, 651
Boltzmann distribution, 593–602, 663, 666
Boltzmann’s constant
in Debye-Hückel Theory, 230–234
description, 80, 599, 603
in rotational spectroscopy, 477
bonding, metals, 732–733
bonding orbital
antibonding orbital, 409–411
description, 409
valence bond theory, 446–450
Born, Max, 282, 404
Born-Haber cycles, 758
Born interpretation, 281–283
Born-Oppenheimer approximation
for electronic transitions, 539
for simple molecules, 403–405
bosons, 379, 631–633
boule, 192–193
boundary condition, 290
Boyle’s gas law equation, 6, 15, 50
Boyle temperature, 13, 15–16

Brackett series, 250
Bragg, William H., 741
Bragg, William L., 741
Bragg’s law of diffraction, 741–744, 749–750
Bravais lattices, 735–737
Bray, W. C., 718
Brownian motion, 676
bubble point line
description, 174
in liquid/liquid systems, 174–178
in nonideal two-component liquid solutions, 180–183
Bunsen, Robert W., 248–249
butadiene,orbitals, 544

calorie, 30
capillary action, 775–777
carbon dioxide
lasers, 556–557
rovibrational spectrum, 509, 556
carbon tetrachloride, vibrational modes, 501–502, 513
Carnot, Nicolas, 68
Carnot cycle
Clausius’s theorem, 73, 90
description, 68–72
Helmholtz energy determination, 94
Cartesian coordinates, spherical polar coordinates
compared, 341–342
coverage, 783–788
enzyme-catalyzed reactions, 713–714
surface effects, 783–788
cathode, 215
cavity radiation, 254
central force problem, hydrogen atom, 352–358, 365
centrifugal distortions, in spectroscopy, 479–481
chain reactions, kinetics, 714–719
chain rule, for partial derivatives, 18, 659
change,see alsoreactions
chemical change, 37, 53–58, 81–85
energy change, 29, 32–34, 67
enthalpy change, 37, 53–60
entropy change, 75–77, 81–85, 102–103
heat change, 29
isobaric change, 42
isochoric change, 42, 92
non-spontaneous changes, 67
phase change, 50–53
state functions, 33–42
temperature change, 58–60
attraction, 207–209, 404
description, 207–209, 561–564
in helium atom, 374–375, 396–397


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