Physical Chemistry , 1st ed.

(Darren Dugan) #1

repulsion, 207–209, 374, 404
spectroscopy, 561–564
variation theory, 394–397
Charles’s gas law equation, 6
chemical change,see alsoreactions
enthalpy, 37, 53–58
entropy, 81–85
chemical equilibrium
amino acid equilibria, 135–136
condensed phases, 129–132, 143–144
equilibrium constant, 125–129, 132–135, 218–225, 642,
Gibbs free energy relationship, 123–128
in multiple-component systems, 168
overview, 118–129, 136–137
reaction quotient, 124–125, 137
in single-component systems, 143–145
solutions, 129–132
statistical thermodynamics, 642–644
chemical potential
description, 108–110, 114, 225, 604
electrochemical potential, 211–213, 215, 218–225
equilibria, 159–162
Gibbs free energy relationship, 108–110, 114, 118, 121,
in ionic solutions, 225–227
in liquid/liquid systems, 170–171
in single-component systems, 144–145, 159–162
statistical thermodynamics, 604
chemisorption, 787–788
Clapeyron, Benoit P. E., 149
Clapeyron equation, for single-component system
equilibria, 148–152, 155
classical mechanics
atomic spectra, 248–251
atomic structure, 251–253
blackbodies, 254–257
Bohr’s theory of the hydrogen atom, 262–267
de Broglie equation, 267–269, 280
harmonic oscillator, 316–318, 624
laws of motion, 242–248, 280, 316–318, 653
light properties, 253–257
overview, 241–242, 269–270
photoelectric effect, 253
unexplainable phenomena, 248
classical turning point, 328
Clausius, Rudolf, 73
Clausius-Clapeyron equation, for single-component system
equilibria, 152–155
Clausius’s theorem, 73, 90
closed systems, 4, 32
colligative properties, in multicomponent systems, 193–202
average collision frequency, 669–670

collision frequency factor, 705
collision theory, 705–706, 718–719
gas particles, 666–671
hard-sphere model, 666
combination bands, 503
combination formula, 588
linear combination, 391, 443–446
competing reactions, kinetics, 696–702
eutectic composition in solid/solid solutions, 190–192
solid solutions compared, 189
compressibility, isothermal compressibility of gases, 20, 94,
compressibility factor Z
description, 10
fugacity determination, 112
Compton, Arthur, 261
Compton effect, 267
concurrent reactions, kinetics, 696–702
condensation, 52, 143
Condon, Edward U., 540
conductance, electrochemistry, 234–237
conjugate momenta, 244
consecutive reactions, kinetics, 696–702
constant-pressure heat capacity, 41–43
constant-volume heat capacity, 39
constructive interference, 742
contact angle, 775
Cartesian coordinates, 341–342
spherical polar coordinates, 334, 341–342
coordination number, 754
corrosion, 217–218
Coulomb, Charles-Augustin, 207
Coulomb integrals, 449
Coulombs law, 208–209, 225, 756
coverage, in catalysis, 783–788
critical point, 155–156
cross-derivative equality requirement, 100
cryoscopic constant, 195
Bravais lattices, 735–737
crystal field theory, 534
densities, 738–740
lattice energies, 755–759
Miller indices, 744–752, 778–780
overview, 731–764, 760–761
in semiconductors, 759–760
statistical thermodynamics, 644–648
structure determination, 740–744
types of, 732–733
unit cells, 733–738, 752–755
X-ray diffraction, 741–752

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