Physical Chemistry , 1st ed.

(Darren Dugan) #1

natural variable equations, 96–99
SI units, 2–3
von Fraunhofer, Joseph, 525
von Helmholtz, Hermann L. F., 93
von Laue, Max, 741
von Lenard, Philipp E. A., 253

water molecules
crystal structure, 752–753
phase diagram, 753
reaction mechanisms, 707–708
surface tension, 767–771
vibrational parameters, 497, 509
watt, 255
antisymmetric wavefunctions, 379–380, 631
average values, 293–296, 329
Born interpretation, 281–283
Born-Oppenheimer approximation, 403–405, 539
degeneracy, 303–306, 605, 618, 631–632
description, 274–275
doubly-degenerate wavefunctions, 591
for harmonic oscillators, 321–329
for helium atoms, 376–378, 396
for homonuclear diatomic molecules, 536, 630
for hydrogen-like atoms, 355–365, 374
linear variation theory, 398–402
for molecular orbitals, 409–415
normalization, 283–285, 303, 335–336
orthogonality, 306–307
particle-in-a-box solution, 288–292, 299–303, 605–606
Pauli exclusion principle, 377–382, 413, 532, 537, 630–631
perturbation theory, 386–394, 402–403
Slater determinants, 380–382
spectroscopy selection rules, 462–463
symmetry, 429–430, 437–438, 631
three-dimensional rotations, 341–347, 353–354
tunneling, 296–299
two-dimensional rotations, 333–341
variation theory, 394–397
vibrational wavefunctions, 541
wavelength, de Broglie equation, 267–269, 280

in rotational spectroscopy, 465, 469, 476
in rotational-vibrational spectroscopy, 507–509
wetting, 775–776
Wien displacement law, 255–256
Carnot cycle, 68–73, 94
description, 24–32
electrochemistry, 210–215
energy relationship, 210–215
Gibbs free energy,seeGibbs free energy
Helmholtz energy,seeHelmholtz energy
in surface tension, 769–771
work function, 259

X-ray diffraction
description, 741–744
Miller indices, 744–752, 778–780
X rays, 464

Young, Thomas, 253–254, 773, 775
Young-Dupré equation, 775

Zeeman, Pieter, 564
Zeeman spectroscopy, 560, 564–567
zeolites, 788
zero-point energy, 323
zeroth law of thermodynamics
equations of state, 5–9
gas laws, 6–10
nonideal gases, 10–17
overview, 1, 3–5, 21
partial derivatives, 8–10, 18–21
state, 2–3
surroundings, 2–3
system, 2–3
Zhabotinsky, Anatol M., 718
zone refining, 192–193
zwitterion, 136

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