
(Marcin) #1

order-disorder in chaos theory. When the rhyth-
micities of lower-higher frequencies work together,
they yield innovative, diverse patterns.”
Helicy is the “continuous innovative, unpre-
dictable, increasing diversity of human and envi-
ronmental field patterns” (Rogers, 1990a, p. 8). This
principle describes the nature of change.Integrality
is “continuous mutual human field and envi-
ronmental field process” (Rogers, 1990a, p. 8). It
specifies the context of change as the integral
human-environmental field process where person
and environment are inseparable.
Together the principles suggest that the mutual
patterning process of human and environmental
fields changes continuously, innovatively, and un-
predictably, flowing in lower and higher frequen-
cies. Rogers (1990a, p. 9) believed that they serve
as guides both to the practice of nursing and to
research in the science of nursing.

Separate Theories Implicit

in Science of Unitary

Human Beings

Rogers clearly stated her belief that multiple theo-
ries can be derived from the Science of Unitary

Rogers clearly stated her belief that multi-
ple theories can be derived from the
Science of Unitary Human Beings.

Human Beings. They are specific to nursing and re-
flect not what nurses do, but an understanding of
people and our world (Rogers, 1992). Nursing edu-
cation is identified by transmission of this theoret-
ical knowledge, and nursing practice is the creative
use of this knowledge. Nursing research uses it to il-
luminate the nature of the human-environmental
field change process and its many unpredictable


The theory of accelerating evolution suggests that
the only “norm” is accelerating change. Higher fre-
quency field patterns that manifest growing diver-
sity open the door to wider ranges of experiences
and behaviors, calling into question the very idea of

“norms” as guidelines. Human and environmental
field rhythms are speeding up. We experience faster
environmental motion now than ever before, in
cars and high-speed trains and planes, for example.
It is common for people to experience time as rap-
idly speeding by. People are living longer. Rather
than viewing aging as a process of decline or as
“running down,” as in an entropic worldview, this
theory views aging as a creative process whereby
field patterns show increasing diversity in such
manifestations as sleeping, waking, and dreaming.
Rogers hypothesized that hyperactive children
provide a good example of speeded-up rhythms
relative to other children. They would be expected
to show indications of faster rhythms, increased
motion, and other behaviors indicative of this shift.
She expected that relative diversity would manifest
in different patterns for individuals within any age
cohort, concluding that chronological age is not a
valid indicator of change in this system: “[I]n fact,
as evolutionary diversity continues to accelerate,
the range and variety of differences between indi-
viduals also increase; the more diverse field patterns
evolve more rapidly than the less diverse ones”
(Rogers, 1992, p. 30).

The theory of the emergence of paranormal phe-
nomena suggests that experiences commonly la-
beled “paranormal” are actually manifestations of
the changing diversity and innovation of field pat-
terning. They are pandimensional forms of aware-
ness, examples of pandimensional reality that
manifest visionary, beyond waking potentials.
Meditation, for example, transcends tradition-
ally perceived limitations of time and space, open-
ing the door to new and creative potentials.
Therapeutic touch provides another example of
such pandimensional awareness. Both participants
often share similar experiences during therapeutic
touch, such as a visualization sharing common fea-
tures that evolves spontaneously for both, a shared
experience arising within the mutual process both
are experiencing, with neither able to lay claim to it
as a personal, private experience. Precognition, déjà
vu, and clairvoyance become normal rather than
paranormal experiences.
McEvoy (1990) hypothesized that the process of
dying exemplifies four-dimensional awareness and

164 SECTION III Nursing Theory in Nursing Practice, Education, Research, and Administration

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