- Love the client,
- Intend to help,
- Give care gently,
- Help the client improve well-being, and
- Teach the healing process of the LIGHT model.
Clients make progress toward well-being as they
learn to: - Love themselves,
- Identify concerns,
- Give themselves goals,
- Have confidence and help themselves, and
- Take positive action.
In a three-year pre- and postcontrol treatment
group study involving 744 participants, clients who
received nursing care with the LIGHT model im-
proved their sense of well-being associated with a
decrease in high-risk drug behaviors (Anderson &
Hockman, 1997).
Research is the bedrock of nursing practice. The
Science of Unitary Human Beings has a long
Research is the bedrock of nursing
history of theory-testing research. As new practice
theories and health patterning modalities evolve
from the Science of Unitary Human Beings, there
remains a need to test the viability and usefulness
of Rogerian theories and voluntary health pattern-
ing strategies. The mass of Rogerian research has
been reviewed in a number of publications
(Caroselli & Barrett, 1998; Dykeman & Loukissa,
1993; Fawcett, 2000; Fawcett & Alligood, 2003;
Malinski, 1986; Phillips, 1989b; Watson, Barrett,
Hastings-Tolsma, Johnson, & Gueldner, 1997).
Rather than repeat the reviews of Rogerian re-
search, the following section describes current
methodological trends within the Science of
Unitary Human Beings to assist researchers inter-
ested in Rogerian science in making methodologi-
cal decisions.
Although there is some debate among Rogerian
scholars and researchers concerning the choice of
an appropriate methodology in Rogerian research,
Rogers (1994) maintained that both quantitative
chaotic and turbulent systems are infinitely sensi-
tive, actions are “gentle” or subtle in nature and are
distributed over the entire system involved in the
change process. Entering chaotic systems with a
“big splash” or trying to force a change in a partic-
ular direction will likely lead to increased turbu-
lence (Butcher, 1993).
Forging resolve involves incorporating flow ex-
periences into the change process. Flow experiences
promote harmonious human/environmental field
patterns. There are a wide range of flow experiences
that can be incorporated into the daily activities:
art, music, exercise, reading, gardening, meditation,
dancing, sports, sailing, swimming, carpentry,
sewing, yoga, or any activity that is a source of en-
joyment, concentration, and deep involvement.
The incorporating of flow experiences into daily
patterns potentiates the recovering of harmony.
Recovering harmonyis achieving a sense of courage,
balance, calm, and resilience amid turbulent and
threatening life events. The art of kaleidoscoping
with turbulence is a mutual creative expression of
beauty and grace and is a way of enhancing perse-
verance through difficult times.
Personalized Nursing
LIGHT Practice Model
The final Rogerian theory discussed in this
overview is the successful Personalized Nursing
LIGHT Practice Model (Anderson & Smereck,
1989, 1992, 1994). For more than 10 years, the
model has been used by the Personalized Nursing
Corporation, an independent, nurse-owned, nurse-
managed company providing outreach nursing
care to high-risk and active drug users in Detroit,
Michigan. The goal of the LIGHT model is to assist
clients in improving their sense of well-being. With
a higher sense of well-being, clients are less likely to
continue to engage in high-risk drug-related be-
haviors. Drug-addicted behaviors are postulated to
be a painful means to experience an awareness of
integrality. During the pattern manifestation
knowing and appreciation process, clients are asked
to name a painful experience, are encouraged to “be
in the moment” in a safe place with the experi-
ence/feeling, are asked to identify the choices they
usually make during the painful experience, and are
then asked to identify pattern manifestations asso-
ciated with their usual choices.
The acronym LIGHT guides the voluntary mu-
tual patterning process. Nurses:
CHAPTER 13 Applications of Rogers’ Science of Unitary Human Beings 175