4.Pattern manifestation knowing and appreciation
includes participant selection, in-depth dialogu-
ing, and recording pattern manifestations.
Participant selection is made using intensive
purposive sampling. Patterning manifestation
knowing and appreciation occurs in a natural
setting and involves using pandimensional
modes of awareness during in-depth dialoguing.
The activities described earlier in the pattern
manifestation knowing and appreciation
process section of the practice method are used
in this research method. However, in the UFPP
research method, the focus of pattern apprecia-
tion and knowing is on experiences, percep-
tions, and expressions associated with the
phenomenon of concern. The researcher also
maintains an informal conversational style while
focusing on revealing the rhythm, flow, and con-
figurations of the pattern manifestations emerg-
ing from the human/environmental mutual field
process associated with the research topic. The
dialogue is taped and transcribed. The re-
searcher maintains observational, methodologi-
cal, and theoretical field notes, and a reflexive
journal. Any artifacts the participant wishes to
share that illuminate the meaning of the phe-
nomenon may also be included.
a.Unitary field pattern profileis a rich descrip-
tion of the participants’ experiences, percep-
tions, and expressions created through a
process ofcreative pattern synthesis. All the
information collected for each participant is
synthesized into a narrative statement reveal-
ing the essence of the participant’s descrip-
tion of the phenomenon of concern. The
field pattern profile is in the language of the
CHAPTER 13 Applications of Rogers’ Science of Unitary Human Beings 181
Unitary Field Pattern Portrait
Initial Engagement
Pattern Manifestation Knowing and Appreciation
A Priori Nursing Science
Pattern Profile Construction
Emerging Unitary Themes of
Human-Environmental Pattern of
Mutually Shaped Pattern Profile
Resonating Unitary Themes of Human-Environmental
Pattern Manifestations
Theoretical Unitary Field Pattern Portrait Evolutionary
FIGURE 13–1 The Unitary Field
Pattern Portrait Research Method.