
(Marcin) #1
The Ethnonursing
Research Method

The ethnonursing research method was specifically
designed by Leininger (2002) to study the culture
care theory. This was the first research method de-
signed to study a nursing theory and related nurs-
ing phenomena. The method facilitates the
discovery of people care knowledge and culturally
based care related to the theory. Leininger has

Leininger has defined the ethnonursing re-
search method as “a qualitative research
method using naturalistic, open discovery,
and largely inductively derived emic modes
and processes with diverse strategies, tech-
niques, and enabling tools to document,
describe, understand, and interpret the
people’s meanings, experience, symbols,
and other related aspects bearing on
actual or potential nursing phenomena.”

defined the ethnonursing research method as “a
qualitative research method using naturalistic,
open discovery, and largely inductively derived
emic modes and processes with diverse strategies,
techniques, and enabling tools to document, de-
scribe, understand, and interpret the people’s
meanings, experience, symbols, and other related
aspects bearing on actual or potential nursing
phenomena” (1991b, p. 79).
Qualitative Paradigm
and Quantitative Paradigm
In order to understand the qualitative ethnonurs-
ing research method, it is important to understand
the major philosophical differences between the
qualitative and quantitative paradigms. Leininger
has described qualitative paradigmatic researchas
“characterized by naturalistic and open inquiry
methods and techniques focused on systematically
documenting, analyzing, and interpreting attri-
butes, patterns, characteristics, and meanings of
specific domains and gestaltic (or holistic) features
of phenomena under study within designated
environmental or living contexts” (Leininger, 1997,
p. 43). She has described quantitative research as
“characterized by a focus on an empirical and ob-
jective analysis of discrete and preselected variables
that have been derived a priori and as theoretical



of Leininger’s

Theory of

Culture Care

Diversity and


Marilyn R. McFarland

The Ethnonursing Research Method

Culture Care Theory and Nursing



The purpose of the second part of Chapter 20 is
twofold. The first part will include an overview of
the ethnonursing research method, which was de-
signed to study the Theory of Culture Care
Diversity and Universality. The second part will
present a discussion of the implications of the cul-
ture care theory and related ethnonursing research
findings for clinical nursing practice. Many nursing
theories are rather abstract and do not focus on
how practicing nurses might use the research find-
ings related to a theory. However, with the Culture
Care Theory, along with the ethnonursing method,
there is a purposeful built-in means to discover and
confirm data with informants in order to make
nursing actions and decisions meaningful and
culturally congruent (Leininger, 2002).

CHAPTER 20 Application of Leininger’s Theory of Culture Care Diversity and Universality 321
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