
(Marcin) #1




Marilyn Anne Ray

PART ONE: Marilyn Anne

Ray’s Theory of

Bureaucratic Caring

Introducing the Theorist

Introducing the Theory

Practice Theory Reviewed: Evolution of Theory Development


References (see end of Part Two)

Introducing the Theorist

Marilyn A. Ray, RN, PhD, CTN is a professor at
Florida Atlantic University, College of Nursing,
in Boca Raton, Florida. She holds a bachelor’s of
science in nursing and a master’s of science from
the University of Colorado in Denver, Colorado,
a master’s of arts in cultural anthropology from
McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada, and
a doctorate from the University of Utah in
Transcultural Nursing. She retired as a colonel in
1999 after 30 years of service with the U.S. Air Force
Reserve Nurse Corps. As a certified transcultural

nurse, she has published widely on the subjects
of caring in organizational cultures, caring theory
and inquiry development, transcultural caring,
and transcultural ethics. She is a review board
member of the Journal of Transcultural Nursing.Dr.
Ray’s research has revolved around cultural, tech-
nological, and economic issues related to caring in
complex organizations. Her current research,
which uses both qualitative and quantitative re-
search methods, relates to the study of the complex
nurse-patient relational caring process and its im-
pact on economic and patient outcomes in hospi-
tals. She is actively engaged in teaching doctoral

Marilyn Anne Ray

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