
(Marcin) #1
Health as Expanding Consciousness, 217–234
choice points of action potential, 221–223
consciousness, 223–224
debut, 218
early influences, 218
insights, 221–223
new paradigm, 219–220
nurse-client interaction, 224
practice, 229–232
research process, 225–229
sequential configurations of pattern evolving
over time, 220–221
Theory of Human Caring, 300
Health maintenance organizations (HMOs), 370
Health patterning, 228
Health state variations
psychopathology, 151
Health Status Questionnaire, 277
Hearing impaired elderly
Roy Adaptation Model, 275–277
Helicy, 164, 168
Henderson, Virginia Avenel, 71, 76
libraries, 77
nursing education, 72
nursing practice, 71–72
personal background, 71
Hermeneutic dialectic research method, 225
Heuristic interpretation, 202
HFMT, 179
HMOs, 370
Holographic theory
Theory of Bureaucratic Caring, 366–368,
367 f
Holography, 366
Homeodynamics, 163
Hope: An International Human Becoming
Perspective, 192
Human Becoming Hermeneutic Method, 204
Human Becoming School of Thought, 189
Human Becoming School of Thought, 187–216
global presence, 191–192
meta-perspective, 189
nursing discipline, 188
nursing education, 207–208
nursing leadership, 205–207
nursing profession, 188–189
parish nursing, 196
philosophical assumptions, 189–190
practice methodology, 194–200, 195t

research methodologies, 190–191
teaching-learning process, 207f
Human Caring
theory.SeeTheory of Human Caring
Human energy field, 168
Human Field Motion Test (HFMT), 179
Human health service
nursing, 142
Human imagination
nursing discipline, 8
Human instruments
Rogerian inquiry, 176
Humanistic Nursing, 127
Humanistic Nursing Theory, 126–137
clinical supervision, 135
community, 133
community of nurses, 136–137
humanity, 137
many to paradoxical one, 132–133
methodological background, 129–133
nurse complementarily synthesizing known
others, 132, 133f
nurse knower preparation, 130–131
nurse knowing other, 131, 131f
nurse knowing other scientifically, 131,
132 f
nurse’s reflection, 133–134
patient’s reflection, 134
philosophical background, 129–133
research, 135–136
schizophrenia, 136
Humanistic Nursing Theory, 137
Orem’s view, 142

Image: Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 269
Imaging, 190
IN, 161
Independent Nurse (IN), 161
Infectious disease
zygomatic, 46
Inflammatory response, 99
Ingestive subsystem, 84t
Integrality, 164
Integrative knowing, 30
Internet, 28
Interpersonal Relations in Nursing,59


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