
(Marcin) #1
Managing responsibilities, 355
Man-Living-Health: A Theory of Nursing, 189
Human Becoming School of Thought, 189, 193t
Meaning-in-context, 326
Medical care
phases, 116
Medicare, 115
Meditation, 164
Meeting the Realities in Clinical Teaching,72
Meleis, Afaf I., 50
Merton, Robert, 7
Messenger-attendant, 119
Metaparadigm, 5–6
alternative concepts, 5
self-care, 154
Miasmas, 46
Middle-range theories, 7
Mimes, Richard Monckton, 47
Miscarriage Caring Project, 356–358
Models and Metaphors, 148
Moral authority, 44
Mutual Exploration of the Healing Human Field-
Environmental Field Relationship, 179–180
Mutual processing, 181

Natural settings
Rogerian inquiry, 177
Nature of Nursing,76
Negative thinking
BDI, 63, 64
cognitive-behavioral techniques, 63
Peplau’s process, 62–63
Neonatal nursing care, 354
Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory, 155
Neuman, Betty, 281
Neuman Systems Model, 281–294, 284f
client-client system, 283–287, 285f
environment, 286f, 287–288
Fawcett’s analysis, 282–283
global applications, 290–292
health, 288
nursing, 288–289
nursing administration, 291

nursing education, 290–291
nursing practice, 291
nursing research, 291–292
prevention as intervention, 289–290
propositions, 282–283
twenty-first century, 292
Neuman Systems Model, 290
Newborn intensive care unit (NICU)
caring, 354–355
Newman, Margaret A., 217–234
Rogers influence, 218
caring, 354–355
Nightingale, Florence, 39–57
assumptions, 51–53
Crimean War, 42–45
diet kitchen, 44
early life, 40–41
education, 40–41
family, 40–41
feminist, 47–49
independence, 40
justice-making, 40
medical milieu, 46–47
moral authority, 44
photograph, 45f
physical demeanor, 45
poem, 45
sketch, 40f
spirituality, 41–42
travel, 41
Nightingale, W. E., 40
education, 40
Nightingale model
health, 51
nurse, 51–52
nursing goal, 51
NLIUs, 121
Notes on Nursing
feminism, 47
nursing defined, 51–52
spirituality, 41
war, 42
Nurse-client interaction
pattern recognition, 224
Nurse complementarily synthesizing known
Humanistic Nursing Theory, 132, 133f
Nurse knowing other intuitively
Humanistic Nursing Theory, 131, 131f


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