
(Marcin) #1
Nurse knowing other scientifically
Humanistic Nursing Theory, 131, 132f
central purpose
Wiedenbach’s prescriptive theory, 73
daily experiences, 7
Wiedenbach’s prescriptive theory, 72
concepts, 142t, 390
focus, 75f
goal, 51
Health as Expanding Consciousness, 224
Levine’s conservation model, 99
Neuman Systems Model, 288–289
Human Becoming School of Thought,
psychiatric, 59–61
Clinical Nurse Specialist program, 59
team, 116
Nursing administration
nursing theory study, 26
Theory of Bureaucratic Caring, 374
Nursing as Caring
theory.SeeTheory of Nursing as Caring
Nursing: Concepts of Practice, 153
Nursing Development Conference Group, 24
Nursing discipline, 8–10
beliefs, 9
communication networks, 9
conceptual structures, 9
domain, 8–9
education systems, 9–10
human imagination, 8
literature, 9
specialized language, 9
syntactical structures, 9
tradition, 9
values, 9
Nursing goals
Nightingale model, 51
Nursing home facilities
Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory, 155
Nursing interventions
Peplau’s process, 62
Nursing Journal of India,80
Nursing knowledge
conceptual development, 5
conceptual nursing models, 6
metaparadigm, 5–6

nursing philosophy, 6
nursing theory, 6
Nursing leadership
Human Becoming School of Thought, 205–207
Nursing-Led In-Patient Units (NLIUs), 121
Nursing paradigm
changes, 5
Nursing philosophy, 6
Nursing practice
impact, 7
nursing theory study, 24
Theory of Bureaucratic Caring, 375
Theory of Culture Care Diversity and
Universality, 321–332
Nursing practice theory, 7
Nursing professional practice, 10–11
Nursing Science, 161, 269
Nursing Science: Major Paradigms, Theories, and
Critiques, 200
Nursing situations
values, 18
Nursing Systems
theory, 149
Nursing theory
analysis and evaluation, 20–21
defined, 4
future, 11–12
nursing knowledge, 4–6
nursing’s need, 8–11
purpose, 10
social utility, 150
study, 17–20
exercise, 17–20
nursing administration, 26
nursing practice, 16–17, 24–25
reasons, 17
theory selection, 17
types, 6–7
Nursologists, 126

Object view
Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory, 145
Openness, 163
Ordered to Care: The Dilemma of American
Orem, Dorothea E., 141, 149
vs.holistic, 95


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