
(Marcin) #1
Organismic response
Levine’s conservation model, 100
Originating, 190, 202
Orlando, Ida Jean, 71
Other care, 330
Outcomes, 44, 168

Pandimensional awareness
Rogerian inquiry, 176
Pandimensionality, 162, 163
changes, 5
shift, 5
Parish nursing
Human Becoming School of Thought, 196
Parker, Marilyn E., 389
Parse, Rosemarie Parse, 187
Participant observation, 61
Paterson, Josephine, 126
Patient variables
Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory, 143
Pattern manifestation
Rogerian inquiry, 176
Pattern manifestation appraisal, 169
Pattern manifestation knowing, 168, 170, 181
Pattern profile, 169
Pattern synthesis
Rogerian inquiry, 177
Pelletier, Ida Jean Orlando.SeeOrlando, Ida Jean
Peplau, Hildegard, 59–61
career, 60
education, 59
honors, 60
international activities, 60
life, 59–60
second-generation student, 61
Perceptual environment, 99
Perceptual response, 100
Person, 381
empowered, 392
Levine’s conservation model, 98
Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory, 144, 145
Personal integrity
Levine’s conservation model, 99
Personal interests, 17
Personalized Nursing LIGHT Practice model,

Personal knowing, 19, 29
Person-Environment Participation Scale, 179
Person view
Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory, 145
Phenix model of types of meaning, 18
Phenomenology, 126, 129
nursing, 6
Physiological variables
client-client system, 287
PKPCT, 166, 173, 179
Political factors, 316
Postmodern Nursing and Beyond, 296
Postoperative complications
staffing, 122
Potential freedom, 223
Power as Knowing Participation in Change
Barrett’s theory, 166
Power as Knowing Participation in Change Tool
(PKPCT), 166, 173, 179
Powering, 190, 204
focus of, 75
Practice methodology for health patterning
Rogerian, 168
Prevention as intervention
Neuman Systems Model, 289–290
Prigogine, Ilya, 222f
Professional care, 315
Professional-technical system, 144
Psychiatric nursing, 59–61
Clinical Nurse Specialist program, 59
Psychiatric problems
war, 59
Psychological variables
client-client system, 287
health state variations, 151
Purposive sampling
Rogerian inquiry, 177

Qualitative paradigmatic research, 321
Quarantine, 46

Ray, Marilyn Anne, 360


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