
(Marcin) #1
Sociocultural variables
client-client system, 287
psychiatric problems, 59
Specialized language
nursing discipline, 9
Specificity, 97
Spiritual factors, 316
Spiritual variables
client-client system, 287
cancer, 151
adverse patient events, 122
postoperative complications, 122
Statement-picture complex, 143
Strachey, Lytton, 49
Stress, 96
response, 99
Structural transposition, 202
Peplau, Hildegard, 60
Subsystems, 82–85, 83t–84t
Sullivan, Harry Stack, 120
Sunrise enabler, 316–319, 317f
Sustaining engagements, 203
Swanson, Kristen M., 351–359
dissertation, 354
doctoral studies, 353–354
Miscarriage Caring Project, 356–358
postdoctoral study, 354–356
predoctoral experiences, 352–353
Symbolic knowing, 30
Synopsis, 169
Neuman defined, 282

Teachers College, 114
Teaching-learning process
Human Becoming School of Thought,
207 f
Team nursing, 116
Technological competency, 380–388
calls and responses for nursing, 386–387
person as whole, 381–382
process of knowing persons, 382–386

Technological factors, 316
Temporal Experience Scale (TES), 179
TES, 179
Textbook of the Principles and Practice of Nursing,
Theorist, 17
Theory of accelerating evolution, 164
Theory of Bureaucratic Caring, 360–379
economic implications, 372–374, 374–376
emergent grounded theory, 364
formal theory, 365
health-care organizations, 369–370
holographic theory, 366–368
middle-range theory, 365–366
nursing administration, 374–375
nursing practice, 362–364, 375
political implications, 370–372, 374–376
substantive theory, 365
Theory of Culture Care Diversity and Universality,
current status, 319–320
ethnonursing research method, 321–327
factors leading to, 311–312
nursing practice, 321–332
rationale, 312–313
sunrise enabler, 316–319, 317f
tenets, 313–314
theoretical assumptions, 314–316
Theory of Emergence of Paranormal Phenomena,
Theory of Flow
Csikszentmihalyi’s, 174
Theory of Goal Attainment, 235–267.See also
King’s framework
application, 247t
beginning, 236
client systems, 251t–252t
community health, 242
conceptual system, 237–238, 236f
documentation system, 239–240
evidence-based practice, 260–261
future, 243
hospitals, 242
nursing education, 240–241
nursing languages, 261
nursing practice, 241–243
nursing specialties, 255t–256t
research, 243
science philosophy, 237


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