
(Marcin) #1

You would like to begin your search with pri-
mary references and realize that a time-saving strat-
egy would be to locate the nurse theorist’s home
page on the Internet. You discover that nursing
theory meta-sites provide links to the majority of
nursing theory home pages and begin your journey
through each home page. You discover that not all
Web sites are created equal. Although some sites are
exciting to visit, the information is less substantive,
less scholarly, or less specific on some nursing
theorist Web sites than on others. Given the multi-
tude of Web sites, you wonder how you can distin-
guish which sites are the most valuable sources of
information in the electronic domain. You also
wonder about the credibility of Web site informa-
tion that might be used as a scholarly, authoritative
Unsubstantiated information worries you. It oc-
curs to you that the information authority on some
nursing theory Web sites may be tenuous and may
constitute a weak link in your research methodol-
ogy. You conclude that evaluation of nursing theory

Evaluation of nursing theory resources is
of major importance in laying groundwork
for consistent, credible, and authoritative
research findings.

resources is of major importance in laying ground-
work for consistent, credible, and authoritative
research findings. This is a good time to reflect, and

  • clarify and adjust your expectations,

  • clarify and adjust your needs, and

  • clarify and adjust your methods.

There is little to show for your efforts except ex-
perience and rapidly accumulating wisdom. You
decide that in addition to gaining more experience
in literature searches, you need a way to distinguish
credible and authoritative resources and to flexibly
evaluate nursing theory resources across several
types of media.

Using the Guide for Evaluating
Theory (GET) Resources

Carefully consider the GET Resourcesin Table 4–2
and read each question. Choose as an exemplar for
evaluation a Web site from a theorist in one of the
chapters of this book. Begin evaluating this nursing
theorist’s Web site and as you thoughtfully consider
each question, assess whether or not the informa-
tion you gather from the resource meets the crite-
ria. Make decisions based on your knowing. All

CHAPTER 4 Evaluating Nursing Theory Resources 33

Table 4–2 Guide for Evaluation of Theory Resources (GET Resources)

Guiding Questions Evaluation


Is the owner or author of this Web site or media resource
the theory author?
Who are authoritative sources who speak, write about, and
use this theory? Are they contributors to the content on
this Web site or media?
What are the professional qualifications of these contribu-
tors? Have they written about this theory in other works
not presented here?
What are other major resources on this theory that are au-
thoritative? Books? Articles? Audiovisual media? Web sites?
What service and academic programs are authoritative
What nursing societies/organizations share and support the
work of this theory? Do they also have a Web site?

Authoritative sources are known.Yes/No
The owner/author is the theorist.Yes/No
Nursing authorities contribute to content.Yes/No
Practitioners of nursing contribute to the content.
Other organizations use, refer to, or maintain links to
the content.Yes/No
Evaluation of Authority:
Acceptable/Not Acceptable

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