
(Marcin) #1

questions may not apply to all Web sites and may be
modified by the purpose of the Web site.

Reflective Preparations

Following are key reflective preparations that will
help focus your activities:

  • What do you want to know?

  • What are your expectations of the resource?

  • How complex do you expect the information to

    • How comprehensive do you intend your analy-
      sis and evaluation to be?

    • Will you share the results of your evaluation
      with colleagues?

When you have answered as many questions as
you are able to, synthesize your findings. Compare
your findings with other nursing theory resources
and Web sites you have located and evaluated.
Which resources and Web sites hold up under crit-
ical evaluation? Which can you use as a model?

34 SECTION I Perspectives on Nursing Theory

Table 4–2 Guide for Evaluation of Theory Resources (GET Resources) (Continued)

Guiding Questions Evaluation


What is the purpose of the resource? Is it dedicated to the
work of one theorist, or is it a meta-site for several? Is it a
commercial or educational site?
Do authoritative sources show their credentials on the Web
page or provide links to pages that do?
Does the resource provide information in a logical and easily
accessible manner?
Is there clear reference to source data, and are there specific
HTML links to that data?
Does the resource provide comprehensive, substantiated in-
formation? Is this information even in quality and quantity?
Does the information cover nursing research, administration,
and education?
Is the information current? What evidence is presented to
verify currency?
Is an exhaustive bibliography provided?
What information were you looking for that you did notfind
in this resource?

Is the Web site or media well maintained? Are you able to
contact the webmaster from an onsite address?
Is the Web site or media aesthetically pleasing?
Are links clearly marked and active?
Are you informed when you are seamlessly transferred to an-
other Web site?
Are there fees or membership required to access the infor-
mation you need?
What are unique characteristics of the Web site?
This nursing theory resource will ground my inquiry as a credible, authoritative, and accurate source of information.
Reservations: ____________________________________________________________________________________


Information presented is accurate. Yes/No
Information is comprehensive and clear. Yes/No
Information covers theory, practice, research, and
administration. Yes/No
Information is current. Yes/No
Bibliography included. Yes/No
I found the information for which I was searching.
Evaluation of Content:
Acceptable/Not Acceptable

The Web site/resource is easy to use and well or-
ganized. Yes/No
The Web site/resource has unique characteristics.
The Web site/resource is satisfying to visit.Yes/No
I will recommend this resource to colleagues.
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