101 Most Powerful Prayers in the Bible

(avery) #1

39. Life-Changing Love


Your love, O LORD, reaches to the heavens,
your faithfulness to the skies.
Psalm 36:5


HAVEheard it said that if we ever got a true glimpse of God’s pow-
erful, all-encompassing love, it would change everything in our
lives—everything, in fact, on the face of the planet.
Drinking and drugging would gradually disappear as people
began to feel the steadying hand of God’s grace on their shoulders.
There would be no more insomnia, for we would curl up in our lov-
ing Father’s arms each night and rest soundly until morning. Madi-
son Avenue advertisers would watch their profits drop as consumers
released their need for all the hyped-up hoopla they had been brain-
washed into seeing as standard equipment for happiness.
Compulsive eating, compulsive shopping, compulsive gambling
would become things of the past. The crime rate would drop. Bit-
terness and hatred would decrease. Forgiveness and love would in-
crease. Families would begin to be healed. And the world would
follow in kind.

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