101 Most Powerful Prayers in the Bible

(avery) #1

50. A Prayer of a Doubter


I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!
Mark 9:24


Oyou have a friend who seems to be a “natural believer”? She
glides almost effortlessly over every bump of doubt and disbe-
lief while you seem to be stumbling at every turn. Faith seems to fit
your friend like a glove, while on you it feels like someone else’s
hand-me-downs. Your friend seems to move confidently from vic-
tory to victory, while every step you take seems as shaky as an at-
tempt to jump from stone to stone across a river. Your faith-filled
friend never seems to have a question, while you are constantly ask-
ing God to give you a sign.
Don’t be fooled. Everyone doubts at times, and the faith we need
we cannot drum up with our own fleshly efforts. Faith is a gift and
God alone is the giver of the gift.
When Peter saw Jesus walking to him on the water, he got out of
the boat and began to walk toward the Lord. “What faith!” we may
say. But as Peter looked around and realized what he was doing, fear

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