101 Most Powerful Prayers in the Bible

(avery) #1

took over and he began to sink. Only Jesus was able to give him the
faith he needed to stay above his circumstances (see Matt. 14).
Thomas, too, was a doubter who needed faith. Even after his best
friends returned from the empty tomb and described what they had
seen, Thomas refused to believe. It was only when Jesus appeared to
the disciples a week later and invited Thomas to touch his wounds
and satisfy his doubts that Thomas found the faith he required.
“Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put
it into my side,” the Master said. “Stop doubting and believe.” And
Thomas exclaimed, “My Lord and my God!” (John 20:24–28)
The Bible invites any of us who lack faith to pray in the words of
the father who doubted: “I do believe; help me overcome my unbe-
This is a prayer that God delights to answer. Faith is a gift that he
delights to give. God knows what we lack and what we need. He
made each of us as we are, and in our character is the raw material
he will use to make us who we can become.

Father God, I refuse to doubt and I choose to believe. Thank you for
the good news that you can take every one of my traits and use them
to bring you glory. I lift up to you both my strengths and my weak-
nesses. I surrender myself totally to you. Amen.


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