101 Most Powerful Prayers in the Bible

(avery) #1

60. Prayer from a Grateful Heart


Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name;
make known among the nations what he has done.
Psalm 105:1


Ydad loves his life. He often says, “I’ve never had a bad day
in my life” and he means it. He acknowledges willingly and
often that God has blessed him with the most beautiful wife in the
world. He can still recall the moment she walked by in the hallway
outside his contracts class at LSU law school. “That was it,” he de-
clares resolutely. “From that day to this, I never looked at another
girl.” (Perhaps I should mention that Dad just turned ninety and
Mom is only two years younger!)
Dad also has a thing about his five children, twelve grandchildren,
and nine great-grandchildren. He looks at them with unabashed
pride and shakes his head in amazement. “Look at that group,” he’ll
say, “not a dog in the bunch!”
Not long ago I told Daddy that I had read somewhere a quote by
St. Augustine about how much God loves a grateful heart. Augustine
said that prayers of gratitude reach God’s ears more rapidly than any

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