101 Most Powerful Prayers in the Bible

(avery) #1

and personal relationship with him, how can we not be ripped at the
heart by the lightning of his love?

Thunderstorm of Praise

Can’t you feel the worship in you building
Like an awesome thunderstorm of praise?
Can’t you feel the power of the Spirit
Touch your heart’s horizons with his grace?
Billowing formations of the faithful
Jagged threads of fire across your soul
As the pounding rain begins
And your heart sings out again:
“Exalt him with an anthem loud and strong
Let everything with breath join in the song!”

Claire Cloninger

We should use every instrument at our disposal to make music,
glorifying the one who has given everything to us. Trumpets and
harps and lyres, tambourines and strings and flutes and the crash of
cymbals should resound. And most of all, our voices should sing out
our praise to him.
And yet I see people get more excited about the score of a sport-
ing event than about worshiping their awesome Creator. I see more
people get on the telephone to tell a neighbor about a sale at a local
store than people making a call or even a remark that would spread
the best news of all—that the God of the universe has sent his Son
to die for us.
Let’s wake up and bring all that we are to worship him: our
prayers, our joy, our music, our cheers, our deepest expressions of


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