101 Most Powerful Prayers in the Bible

(avery) #1

66. Requesting a Blessing


Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, “Oh, that you would bless me.”
1 Chronicles 4:10


Fall the things written about The Prayer of Jabez,the one most
valuable to me is that it’s okay to seek our Father’s blessings.
Our next-door neighbor is Pastor John Kilpatrick of Brownsville
Assembly in Pensacola, home of the Brownsville Revival. Recently
John was struck by the fact that Americans have so lost the element
of parental blessing that we are producing a generation of rootless
children. So he determined to preach a series of sermons on the
meaning of blessing.
One day, quite a while after John had completed the series, a
young man came to him and thanked him for his messages. “They
have changed my life,” he said. “In fact after the series was over I de-
cided that I needed to drive to Ohio to talk to my father.”
“Did you talk to him?” John asked.
“Yes, but it was hard for me,” the young man answered. “I got to
his house late at night and rang the bell. When he finally answered
and saw who it was, he said, ‘What do youwant?’ ”

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