101 Most Powerful Prayers in the Bible

(avery) #1

This simple prayer is rich with spiritual guidance. What does it
reveal about our Lord’s relationship with his Father that can guide us
as God’s children?
First, Jesus referred to God with the intimate name of “Abba,” the
Aramaic term for “Daddy.” In this one word we catch a glimpse of
the tenderness between Father and Son. Later in Galatians 4:6 we
learn that the same tender Father/child relationship is available to us
for we, like Jesus, are invited to refer to God as our own “Abba.”
Second, Jesus at this most vulnerable moment was acknowledg-
ing God as all-powerful. And he, more than anyone, knew how true
this was. If Jesus, God’s own Son, was aware of God’s supreme
power, how much more should we keep it in mind in our prayers?
The third thing we see in this short prayer is the Son’s willingness
to ask the Father for help. He didn’t start out with a stiff upper lip,
saying, “Bring on the cross and the nails. Whatever kind of pain and
agony you’ve got for me is just fine and dandy.” Could we ever have
identified with him if he had said such things?
Instead Jesus said, “Take this cup from me.” He revealed the an-
guish of that moment and then placed his fate, his future, and the
future of the world itself into his Father’s loving hands. “Your will,
not mine,” he prayed.
Knowing God’s love for us makes this the wisest and safest prayer
we will ever pray as we come to our loving Abba, God.

Dear Abba, thank you for letting us look into the mystery of this
beautiful relationship you have with your Son. Thank you for invit-
ing us to know you as your beloved children and to claim you as our
beloved Papa. Thank you for our Savior who led the way. In his
name we pray, amen.


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