101 Most Powerful Prayers in the Bible

(avery) #1

83. The Prayer of Incarnation


I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me
to do....I have revealed you to those whom you gave me out of the
John 17:4,6


OWdid Jesus the Nazarene carpenter bring glory to his Fa-
ther, the almighty Creator of the Universe? Can’t you just pic-
ture God with golden crowns cast down all around his feet and
angels lifting amazing praises, glassy seas gleaming, and rivers rush-
ing from the center of the city of God? And yet God is distracted. His
eyes are peeled for one thing. He is watching for the glory that only
Jesus can bring home to him.
What other glory could God possibly want? Jesus answered this
question in the words of his own prayer to the Father from John 17.
God had sent Jesus to earth to unmask God’s mercy to the love-
hungry people of this world who so desperately needed to know
him. God had sent Jesus to earth to reveal the face of Love itself. And
Jesus had completed the task.
As amazing as this may seem, this task is the same job description

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