101 Most Powerful Prayers in the Bible

(avery) #1

forgiveness for our own sin, and praying David’s prayer, “Have mercy
on me, O God, / according to your unfailing love; / according to your
great compassion / blot out my transgressions.” Only as we stand in
that place of penitence will God’s forgiveness ever set us free and
bring us into right standing with our Father.
The following lyric traces the heart cry of David as expressed in
Psalm 51:

Song of the Sinner

There’s a desperate cry from the soul of every sinner,
For we can’t deny the pain of our transgressions.
There’s a silent wound in the depths of every person,
For we cannot hide the sin that drives our passion.

That’s something only God can do,
A darkness only He can reach,
The shadows only He can touch,
To heal our deep iniquities.

That’s something only God can do,
To quench our thirst for holiness,
A mission we must trust Him with,
To touch and heal our brokenness.

Come, Holy Spirit,
Come in your compassion
Blot out my transgression;
Let the bones you crushed within me dance again.

Come, Holy Spirit,
I will teach transgressors


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