101 Most Powerful Prayers in the Bible

(avery) #1

band, Elkanah, had two wives. His other wife, Peninnah, had lots of
children, but Hannah was childless.
Year after year Elkanah went up to worship and sacrifice to the
Lord at Shiloh. Peninnah never failed to make the trip miserable for
Hannah by bragging about her children.
And then one year at Shiloh, Hannah went to the temple, where
she wept bitterly before the Lord, “O LORD, if you will look at my
misery and give me a son, then I will give him to you for all the days
of his life” (1 Sam. 1:11, author’s paraphrase).
Eli, the temple priest, came in, saw Hannah’s mouth moving, and
made the assumption that she was drunk. When he rebuked her,
Hannah replied, “Not so, my lord....I was pouring out my soul to
the LORD” (1 Sam. 1:15).
“Go in peace,” Eli answered, “and may the God of Israel grant you
what you have asked of him” (1 Sam. 1:17).
Hannah believed that the Lord had heard her prayer. And she
kept her promise: when Samuel was born she presented him to the
temple priests. I cannot imagine this kind of sacrifice—to literally
give your son away after waiting so long for his birth. But Hannah’s
faith was great and her son was greatly used.
Hannah was a woman who trusted God without giving up,
praised God when her prayer was answered, and returned to God
the blessing he had given her that he might use it to his glory. May
we do the same as we yield our lives to him and return his blessings
to him to use to his glory.

Oh, Father, my heart rejoices in you. Thank you for your answers to
my prayers. Help me to release my grasp on the gifts you give me
and place them back in your hands. And, like Hannah, give me the
patience to wait for your will. Amen.


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