101 Most Powerful Prayers in the Bible

(avery) #1

great, how awesome, how majestic he is? Of course he does! But how
much more wonderful our world seems when we are in the process
of telling him that we know these things, too!
When we come to our Father and give him the glory he deserves,
it’s like giving someone a gift that is already his. All glory belongs to
the Lord. It certainly doesn’t belong to us, does it? All the more rea-
son to give it back to the one who has a right to it. And when we
do, somehow we are greasing the wheels on this sometimes rough-
riding vehicle known as life.
Does our prayer from 1 Chronicles 29 go just a little bit over-
board? Or is it even possible to go too far for the one who has gone
totally overboard for us? He created us. He loved us. He gave us
everything. And when we broke his heart, he did not give up on us.
He sent his Son to atone for our sins. Is there too much praise for
such a God? I don’t think so. And how it eases my way when I give
to him the amount of praise he deserves—all I’ve got!

Lord God, I rejoice in your greatness. I celebrate your grace, your
mercy, your righteousness, your holiness, and your love. Reveal to
me every day new ways to honor you with my prayer, my praise,
and my life. I love you, Lord. Amen.


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