101 Most Powerful Prayers in the Bible

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on. Then Aaron and Hur held his hands up, one on each side. That
way Moses’ hands remained steady all day long until sunset.
Joshua won the battle against the Amalekite army on the battle-
field. But Moses and Aaron and Hur were his backup troops up on
the mountain.
This was a foreshadowing of how the body of Christ is to work.
While one ministers, others pray for the one on the front lines. And
there are even backup intercessors who can pray when the first team
grows tired.
A number of years ago while visiting the Brooklyn Tabernacle, the
vibrant inner-city church pastored by Jim Cymbala, we heard Jim ex-
plain how their Intercessory Prayer Room worked. The whole time
the service was ongoing, “prayer warriors” were in the quiet room
overhead praying for the service.
Many times the prayers of the intercessors turned the tide of the
“battle” below. Once, for instance, a man on drugs burst into the
service, swinging a gun and spewing curse words. The ushers were
able to remove the man and no one was hurt. God gave the church
leadership the grace to handle this stressful situation in the sanctu-
ary, just as he gave Joshua the strength to defeat the Amalekites on
the battleground. But just as Moses, Aaron, and Hur made the dif-
ference from their places on the mountain, it was the intercessory
prayer team above the sanctuary in the upper room who made the
difference at the Brooklyn Tabernacle that day.

Father God, equip us and teach us to pray as intercessors. Strap on
us the full armor of your kingdom and lead us forth into battle. We
choose to follow you. Amen.


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