101 Most Powerful Prayers in the Bible

(avery) #1

Martha could see the Master’s lips moving as he looked intently into
Mary’s eyes and spoke to her. And there was Mary, drinking it all in.
Finally Martha could stand it no longer. She burst into the room.
“Master,” she said to Jesus, “don’t you see it? Don’t you care? Mary
is doing nothing while I’m working in the kitchen. A meal doesn’t
just happen, you know. And we are not a wealthy household with
many servants. Tell her to help me.”
“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, smiling at her. “You have
allowed yourself to become upset about so many little things. Only
one thing—only our relationship—is really important. In the end,
that is all that will not be taken away” (see Luke 10:38–42).
Jesus was not telling Martha that she was evil or even wrong. He
was simply telling her that her choice was second-best. She could
have been listening to his words and instead she was listening to the
push and hurry of her life. She could have been spending precious
time with him and instead she was puttering and sputtering. Is that
convincing to you? It is to me.
When the Lord is knocking at the door of my heart, seeking a
chance to spend time with me, and I tell him I’ve got to clean a closet
or write a song, I should hear his voice saying, “Claire, Claire. Don’t
get sidetracked on the ‘many things.’ Only one is really important.
Choose it! Sit at my feet. I’ve got things I want to say to you!”

Oh, Lord, I choose you and our relationship. I want to draw near to
you, to sit at your feet and hear your words. They are the treasures
of my heart. I love you, Lord. Amen.


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