101 Most Powerful Prayers in the Bible

(avery) #1

Prayer was a constant in the lives of so many believers in the
Bible. How can we make it more of a constant in ours?
The truth is, we are taking part in an inner thought-dialogue all
day anyway. Though that dialogue may not be prayer and we may
rarely be aware of its presence, we must acknowledge that there are
words moving through our minds.
Let me give you an example. Let’s say, for instance, we’re trying to
figure out what route we’ll take to work. Uh-oh, there’s a wreck just
ahead. I can turn off to the right and avoid the backup. Put the blinker on.
Turn. Okay. I can probably make it without any more traffic problems.
Just hope I won’t be late.
How can we direct the inner dialogue in the paragraph above to
the Lord, thereby making it a prayer? Track with me. “Uh-oh, Father,
a wreck. Show me what to do. Blinker on. Right turn. Thanks, Fa-
ther. Be with the people who were in the wreck. I pray no one was
hurt. Be with the rescue people. Thank you for their gifts of healing.
Thank you, Lord, for guiding me. Help me get to work on time. I
love you, Lord. Thank you that I’m never alone.”
Do you see? It’s the same situation, only one way it’s an opportu-
nity for stress and the other way it’s an opportunity for prayer.

Father God, I worship you. Keep me close to you today. Call my at-
tention to you and help me recognize the many opportunities I have
to pray without ceasing. I choose to lift my heart to you in every
small thing. Amen.


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