101 Most Powerful Prayers in the Bible

(avery) #1

God can see the coming of all things in his mind’s eye long before
they reach us. From everlasting to everlasting he has known and
seen, for he is God. He visualizes our lives from both sides of time,
forward and backward, future and past. Years and minutes are the
same to him.
It’s also tempting at times to think that the attitudes of my heart
have shocked God, but I know for certain that they have not. My
thoughts and actions may cause him grief, but they have never sur-
prised him. God created our hearts, and is very familiar with us (Ps.
103:14). He knows how we are formed, he remembers that we are
dust. He knows our hypocrisy, our faithlessness, and our failure to
forgive. He knows, and yet he is always standing by, waiting to for-
So many things about this world are uncertain and unsure. So
many things about our lives puzzle and confound us. We do not
have God’s vision or perspective. We cannot see beyond the bound-
aries of today or through the windows of tomorrow.
But this one thing is sure. God is everlasting, ever certain, never
changing. We can bring our sin and our sorrow, our hopes and our
helplessness, our prayers and our praises into his faithful presence,
trusting in his love. He is not about to give up on us. Our great un-
shakable God is on our side.

Oh, Father, what an awesome comfort to know that you know all
things—that you never change. You have been here from before the
foundations of the earth and you will never leave us nor forsake us.
I worship you, O Lord. Amen.


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