
(lily) #1
measured by imaging a point source, for example, a small sub-resolution fluorescent
bead (0.1mm), and imaging how the point is spread out in the microscope. Since it is
assumed that the real image of the bead should be a point, it is possible to calculate the
amount of distortion in the image of the bead imposed by the imaging system. The
actual image of the point can then be restored using a mathematical function, which
can be applied to any subsequent images collected under identical settings of the
Early versions of the deconvolution method were relatively slow; for example, it
could take some algorithms in the order of hours to compute a single optical section.
Deconvolution is now much faster using today’s fast computers and improved soft-
ware, and the method compares favourably with the confocal approach for producing
optical sections. Deconvolution is practical for multiple-label imaging of both fixed
and living cells, and excels over the scanning methods for imaging relatively dim
and thin specimens, for example yeast cells. The method can also be used to remove add-
itional background from images that were collected with the LSCM, the spinning disk
microscope or a multiple photon microscope.

4.3.5 Total internal reflection microscopy

Another area of active research is in the development of single molecule detection
techniques. For exampletotal internal reflection microscopy (TIRF)uses the proper-
ties of an evanescent wave close to the interface of two media (Fig. 4.16), for example,
the region between the specimen and the glass coverslip. The technique relies on the
fact that the intensity of the evanescent field falls off rapidly so that the excitation of
any fluorophore is confined to a region of just 100 nm above the glass interface. This
is thinner than the optical section thickness achieved using confocal methods and
allows the imaging of single molecules at the interface.



Vesicles and microtubules
outside evanescent field

Vesicles and microtubules
inside evanescent field

~100 nm

Fig. 4.16Total internal reflection microscopy (TIRF). A 100-nm thick region of excitation is produced at the
glass–water interface when illumination conditions are right for internal reflection. In this example only those
vesicles and microtubules within the evanescent field will contribute to the fluorescence image at 100 nm

122 Microscopy
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