
(lily) #1
Experimentally, this can be achieved in a fluorescence spectrometer by placing a
polariser in the excitation path in order to excite the sample with polarised light.
A second polariser is placed between the sample and the detector with its axis either
parallel or perpendicular to the axis of the excitation polariser. The emitted light is
either partially polarised or entirely unpolarised. This loss of polarisation is called
fluorescence depolarisation.
Absorption of polarised light by a chromophore is highest when the plane of polar-
isation is parallel to theabsorption dipole momentmA(Fig. 12.15). More generally, the
probability of absorption of exciting polarised light by a chromophore is proportional to
cos^2 y,withybeing the angle between the direction of polarisation and the absorption
dipole moment. Fluorescence emission, in contrast, does notdepend on the absorption
dipole moment, but on thetransition dipole momentmE.Usually,mAandmEare tilted
against each other by about 10to 40. The probability of emission of polarised light at

Direction of propagation



Fig. 12.14Generation of linearly polarised light.

Fig. 12.15Absorption dipole momentmA(describing the probability of photon absorption) and transition dipole
momentmE(describing the probability for photon emission) for any chromophore are usually not parallel.
Absorption of linearly polarised light varies with cos^2 yand is at its maximum parallel tomA. Emission of linearly
polarised light varies with sin^2 fand is highest at a perpendicular orientation tomE.

505 12.3 Fluorescence spectroscopy

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