
(lily) #1
Multidimensional NMR
As we learned above, the observable in pulse-acquired Fourier transform NMR is the
decay of the transverse magnetisation, calledfree induction decay(FID). The detected
signal thus is a function of the detection timet 2. Within the pulse sequence, the timet 1
(evolution time) describes the time between the first pulse and signal detection. Ift 1 is
systematically varied, the detected signal becomes a function of botht 1 andt 2 , and its
Fourier transform comprises two frequency components. The two components form
the basis of a two-dimensional spectrum.
Correlated 2D-NMR spectra show chemical shifts on both axes. Utilising different
pulse sequences leads to different methods, such ascorrelatedspectroscopy(COSY),
nuclearoverhauser effect spectroscopy (NOESY), etc. Such methods yield the
homonuclear^1 H couplings. The 1D-NMR spectrum now appears along the diagonal
and long-range couplings between particular nuclei appear as off-diagonal signals
(Fig. 13.10).

Summary of NMR parameters
The parameters obtained from NMR spectra used to derive structural determinants of
a small molecule or protein are summarised in Table 13.1.

13.5.2 Instrumentation

Schematically, an analytical NMR instrument is very similar to an EPR instrument,
except that instead of a klystron generating microwaves two sets of coils are used to
generate and detect radio frequencies (Fig. 13.11). Samples in solution are contained
in sealed tubes which are rotated rapidly in the cavity to eliminate irregularities
and imperfections in sample distribution. In this way, an average and uniform signal

F 2

F 1



dH3dH2 dH 1



Fig. 13.10Schematics of a correlated 2D-^1 H NMR spectrum. H3 couples with H2 and H1. H1 and H2 show
no coupling.

541 13.5 Nuclear magnetic resonance
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