The observation is explained in terms ofenzyme-catalysed quantum tunnelling.
Under this mechanism, rather than overcoming the potential energy barrier, the
reaction proceeds through the barrier (hence ‘tunnelling’) at an energy level near that
of the ground state of the reactants. Concerted enzyme and substrate vibrations are
coupled in such a way as to reduce the width and height of the potential energy barrier
and facilitate the cleavage of the C–H bond by the process of quantum mechanical
tunnelling. This phenomenon is known to occur with some chemical reactions but
only at low temperatures. The fine detail of precisely how enzymes promote this
process remains to be elucidated.
Effect of pH
The state of ionisation of amino acid residues in the catalytic site of an enzyme is
pH dependent. Since catalytic activity relies on a specific state of ionisation of these
residues, enzyme activity is also pH dependent. As a consequence, plots of logKmand
logVmax(or better,kcat) against pH are either bell-shaped (indicating two important
ionisable amino acid residues in the active site), giving a narrowpH optimum, or they
have a plateau (one important ionisable amino acid residue in the active site). In either
case, the enzyme is generally studied at a pH at which its activity is maximal.
By studying the variation of logKmand logVmaxwith pH, it is possible to identify
the pKavalues of key amino acid residues involved in the binding and catalytic
processes (Fig. 15.8).
5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5
pKa^1 pKa^2
Fig. 15.8The effect of pH onVmaxof an enzyme-catalysed reaction involving two ionisable groups in the
active site of the enzyme. The construction of tangents to the experimental line allows the pKavalues of the
ionisable groups to be estimated.
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