Attract And Seduce

(Elliott) #1
Chapter 15 :

Texting and Phone Calls Before The First Date

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." - Leonardo da Vinci

As you learned in the last chapter, you can reduce women flaking on
you by seeding a date. The better you get at it the less likely it is that a
woman will not respond to you or stand you up. That said, do you text or
call a woman once you have her phone number?

The good news is that if you've seeded a date, you've done almost all
of the heavy lifting already. Here are my simple rules for texting and
calling after you seeded your date:

Rule #1: Use the phone for logistics, not flirting, not joking, not
sending pictures, asking for pictures, or anything else.

You want to build your emotional connections in person, not over
the phone. Text flirting comes later, once you have built a solid
foundation of rapport, trust and inside jokes. So once you've set up the
date or received the phone number, you'll simply send her a text or call
her the day before the meet-up and figure out how you're getting there,
the address of your meeting, and anything else they'd need to know to
make getting there easier.

Rule #2: If you forgot to seed the meet-up, still use texts and calls
for logistics.

Always keep in mind that the best way to establish a true emotional
connection is in person. If there is no connection, trust and rapport yet,
your texts may come off as annoying. Any text you send or phone call
you make should be focused on inviting them to meet-up at the location
you've seeded before.

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