Attract And Seduce

(Elliott) #1
Chapter 19 :

The First Kiss and the "Romantic Window" Technique

In romantic encounters, going for the kiss is a big moment. Most
guys feel like it’s the riskiest move next to actually making the approach,
because they don't know if she is ready to be kissed. You’re putting
yourself on the line hoping that you’ve done everything right up to this
moment. How do you make sure your potential partner is going to want
to kiss you back?

The "Go for it" Checklist:
Start with finding a location where you both feel comfortable. This is
tricky, because depending on who you’re with it could be anywhere. The
best thing to do is look at what’s happened so far, and decide where the
woman you’re with might be comfortable. Try not to be in a
bottlenecked portion of a bar, where lots of people are pushing through.
Find somewhere comfortable for the two of you.

Next, if you’re going for the kiss, run through this checklist in your

  1. Did your potential partner show interest in you?
    o If no, then keep working on building value until you receive
    indication that they’re interested.

  2. Did you remember to compliment her about something once she
    showed interest?
    o If no, then find something to compliment her on – refer to
    the chapter on connection.

  3. Are you somewhere comfortable?
    o If no, then find a place. You may have to change venues
    to do this.

If you answered yes to the above questions, then there’s a good
chance that going for the kiss will work out for the two of you. Go for it,
but in the right way.

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