Attract And Seduce

(Elliott) #1
Heightening the Moment and Dissolving Kiss Anxiety

Every relationship is a story, and every story has its high points and
its low points. The first kiss should be one of the major high points of
your seductive story. When you go for the kiss, try saying or doing
something that will heighten the moment.

At the last attraction and seduction boot camp I taught in DC, we had
a student who approached a girl he was interested in and within a twenty-
minute period, he was making out with her on the dance floor. I asked
him what it was that let him know it was time to go for the kiss, and he
told us that the most important moment was right before the kiss. He said
something to her while they were dancing. He said, "You’re an amazing
person. I have to do this or I’ll feel stupid for not trying." Then he went
for the kiss.

What I loved about this was that he could have just gone for it. The
words he said were not what made her want to kiss him. He had made
himself attractive by being a great conversationalist, by providing value,
and helping her to have a great time. The words he said helped make the
moment more memorable – something both of them will remember. It’s
more than a kiss; it’s a moment of romance.

In addition, saying those words meant he couldn’t turn back. Once he
said them, he had to go for the kiss; they helped him get over a moment
of anxiety that normally would have held him back. Going for the kiss is
a risk, it’s going to show you exactly how seductive you think you are,
this frightens a lot of guys; frightens them so much, that they never go
for the kiss, and they fail to experience what could have been.

Kiss-Amplification-Technique: The technique is pretty simple but
extremely effective: Before you’re going to go for the kiss – say
something bold. Make it romantic and exciting, even sexual. It will help

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